Irish sleepover 2

Yes. 'Twas time again. For young master Grundy to pack his bags and move into the Karlsson B&B for a day and a night.
We applied the same busy schedule packed with toy cars, books, cartoon DVD's and a good night's sleep. Why change a winning concept...

The first day was filled with happenings and commotion of all sort. Unimportant things like toilet visits are easy to forget. Yes, we had two minor accidents (one was actually a big accident...), that led to a shower and a change of clothes. And some laundry to be done. Luckily mum had packed a big bag with extra clothes.

The landlord soon found out that the guest had no intention of paying the bill. And so Calle was forced to work to pay off his debts. Cars needed washing and the outhouse needed a new staircase. Busy day.

Chasing the cat (she's very good at hiding). Picking raspberries (and spitting them out). Eating biscuits. Lots of biscuits. Playing football. Driving the moped. And exhausted by the activities sleeping around the clock! 12 hours!

Calle has left the building. Auntie is resting. Until next time.

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