Irish sleepover

While mum and dad are rubbing shoulders with the Irish jetset at the Embassy and painting Helsinki red, we had the pleasure of entertaining young Master Grundy for a day and a night. 
The first risky moment was of course the pickup from daycare, but he graciously agreed to accompany me home without fuss. 

I decided to go for a gourmet dinner to ensure him joining the rest of the family at the table. Chips, sausages and meat balls. Served on a mirror of ketchup and with a glass of refridgerated milk. Yummy!

Then the real entertainment finally started: playing with the toy cars! To keep the babysitter happy we rounded off the evening with a showing of Ice Age I. 

And then the next risky moment and a final change of clothes for the gentleman. Dressed in a red Cars pyjamas, having skipped brushing his teeth (sorry mum!), he was now comfortably in bed reading a Ludde-story to his dog friend. 
We turned out the light, kissed each other good night, and out he went.
Tomorrow's a new day!

1 kommentar:

Bättre sent än aldrig

Sist på bollen. Sent ska syndaren vakna. Var sak har sin tid. Jaja, nu har också jag äntligen tagit mig en tur på det nya, världskända konst...